Poets from Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Poland, Germany, Scotland will recite their poetry piece to unite and empower national and local organisations as well as individuals who are active in the implementation of victims rights on the internet. Through poetry and music we promote online respect, responsibility and citizenship.
The project “Call It Hate: Raising Awareness of Anti-LGBT Hate Crime – CIH” – which lasts for 24 months (from January 2018 to December 2019) – aims to raise awareness of anti-LGBT hate crime among the general public and within the LGBT communities, emphasize the need to report, and empower victims. As such, the project addresses a common need within the European Union to inform and empower targeted communities and prevent secondary victimisation of victims of homophobic and transphobic hate crimes. Specific objectives of the project are designed to directly deliver against the above-evidenced needs and seek to:
Core activities of the project include:
The project will be implemented in 10 European countries. countries by a consortium of almost 50 partner organizations.
University of Brescia (Italy), Lambda Warsaw (Poland), Hatter Society (Hungary), in cooperation with the National University of Public Service (Hungary) and together with almost 50 partner organizations from 10 European and extra-European countries, are excited to announce the international conference Raising Awareness On Anti-LGBT Hate Crime: Research, Policy and Practice, organized within the framework of the EU-funded project Call It Hate. During the conference the Call it Hate Research Report will be launched
Conference themes
The conference will focus on the following themes:
– Attitudes towards LGBTI people in the society
– Violence, hate crime, hate speech and discrimination
– Outreach, advocacy and campaign activities
– Laws, policies and practice
The list is not intended to be exhaustive. Contributors should feel free to examine any other relevant aspect of anti-LGBT hate crime law, policy, research, training, practice or advocacy.