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I am sometimes asked as a speaker about PR and campaigning, doing a PhD research in poetry and/or how to visualise poetry. The talks are always adapted to the audience and can be a formal lecture or a practical seminar-tutorial. However, they are always inspired by a theoretical understanding on the one hand and  concrete expertise in the respective fields on the other hand. The examples of  talks, seminars and workshops I do are listed below.

Workshop ‘How to film poetry’

It is not a type of workshops on “how to use your camera” or “the basics of video editing”, it is more about delving into the creative process of bringing a poem alive: developing the script, acting in order to express the imagery, voice-overing to deliver the right emotion – experiencing the process of making a film-poem from within.

Students choose the poem  to be visualised. For instance, at Atheneum Sint-Truiden they’ve decided to film the poem ‘Happiness (Het Geluk)’ by the great Belgian poet Paul Van Ostajen.

🎥 Watch the end result – film-poem “Heel Light is het Geluk”.

Talk ‘Digesting PhD Research’

Lunch-talks where I’m trying to deconstruct my practice-based artistic research.

In my PhD, I examines how the basic characteristics of lyric poetry can be expressed in audio-visual medium: (1). form, (2). musical qualities, (3). figurative language, (4). non-narrative, vertical investigation of the situation, and (5). the first-person point of view/ a self-reflexive speaker.

The struggle is to analyse how these 5 characteristics are expressed in my live poetry performances and collaborative art works that  translate poetry into drawings and film.

Talk ‘Raising Awareness on Victims’ Rights and Victim Support’

In this talk I share my experience in awareness raising and information campaigns on victims’ rights and evidence-based strategies that helped my organisation to communicate the messages.

Talk ‘Campaigning-in-collaboration in an NGO’

Campaigning is about making an impact. For many non-profit organisations the most cost-effective way to achieve this impact is by campaigning in collaboration.

Through sharing the case studies of Victim Support Europe’s campaigns-in-collaboration, I aim to promote effective ways of campaigning collaboratively to achieve lasting change.

The case study is used to identify key points, showing how collaboration can bring different areas of expertise, knowledge and experience to a campaign. The principles developed can be applied to organisations and collaborations of all sizes.

Talk ‘Poetry as a Counter Narrative Measure Against Hate’

If we change the traditional form of campaigning and speaking to the audiences by using unconventional tools like spoken word, for instance, then we can begin delivering messages in a more efficient way.

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