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Only they, who truly listen,
Can be obedient.
“Ob” is “thoroughly”,
“Audire” is “hear”.
To hear thoroughly –
Only the ear that seeks the song,
Perceives it.
End of year,
I answer all sorts of questionnaires,
In which they want to understand the matter
In no time and conclusively,
Thanks to simple queries,
Thanks to the finality of judgments!
Judgment as an ending – of thoughts and objects?
Water is water, fire is fire…
Gertrude Stein, oh, Gertrude Stein,
Thank you:
“A rose is a rose is a rose!” –
You broke the barrier!
Now roses should be protected,
First of all, from art itself.
Artists, who strive to deconstruct the beauty –
For the sake of what?
Of truth…
Beauty has become the enemy of modern art,
Not only classic harmony,
But any beauty
Is understood as a “deception”,
Any mystery
Is deemed as something
To be revealed by simple instruments.
(In parenthesis: beauty has left the earth.)
If artists no longer serve the beauty, then what?
The truth of life?
Aesthetics of the ugly?
Satire or provocation of the public?
Disobedience? Self-expo? Auto-therapy?
It’s hard to name…
The first thing that occurs to us,
Prior to any trauma,
Is the apprehension of reality –
Rich with its skies,
Bold in its flowers,
Thick in its air –
Any little thing that catches the attention of a baby
Seems like a treasure.
It is so strange how many people
Have lost this memory –
The memory of heaven.
I am sure that this is the experience
Of every human being.
But what displaces it?
I think that the renewal of the memory of happiness
Is what art’s most vital role is.
Such memory, perhaps, is stronger
In shunning evil
than any social piece.
Many poets appear to have aimed
not only at forgetting happiness,
at obedience to it,
but also at rejecting any possibility of it…