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Continuing our voyage towards #symphonism!
Two years ago, I embarked on this journey accompanied by co-author Sara Maino, tenor John Vandevert, and composer Giorgio Briani. They have taught me so much over the past two years, and everything written in this book has been learned through the dialogue with them.
With their support and that of some other wonderful people, including my supervisory team (Volkmar Muehleis, Jan Peeters and Steven Malliet) and editors (Fractalia), I was able to scale the research before navigating it to this tangible paperback.
This is an art research book, and such works usually have relatively small audiences due to their narrow and specific topics. A book about symphonism as a strategy of translating a lyric poem to other mediums is no exception. I hope, however, that it reaches people working in that area and finds its way into libraries.
I am very fortunate to work with Fractalia publishing, an independent press oriented towards promoting minor, cross-genre literature and art research writing. Thank you, Iulia and Costin, for your trust!
The print wouldn’t be possible without the financial support of my alma mater, the research unit “Image” led by Tom Van Imschoot (LUCA School of Arts).
➡ The book is now available in paperback and ebook formats:

9 Oct 2023