The poem “From Upper Manhattan Down” is shortlisted for Pirene’s Fountain, Volume 14, Issue 22, which will be published in 2021.
The Pirene’s Fountian is published by an independent literary press “Glass Lyre Press” (Chicago, Illinois).
In a society faced with frequent assaults to one’s psyche and spirit, Glass Lyre Press offers fine literature to rejuvenate the spirit, fuel inspiration and nourish the soul. These are collections which, rather than being stashed away after reading, one returns to time and again—beautiful, highly crafted books created with love and care by a dedicated publishing team.
In the lore of Greek myths, naiad Pirene was grief-stricken by the death of her son, Cenchrias. She dissolved into a fountain of tears outside the gates of Corinth. It was said the essence of a naiad was tied to her spring; she could no longer exist if the spring dried up, as is often the case with inspiration and poetry. Pirene’s fountain was one of three springs associated with Pegasus, and was sacred to the muses, who drank of the waters for fresh inspiration.
At Pirene’s Fountain, it is our hope that we can share of each other’s knowledge, and in the spirit of Ancora Imparo – “ I am still learning,” open our hearts and minds to inspiration.