Over my blanket –
translucent but heavy,
a bronze blizzard
– the bell voices
are ringing the drawings,
the fragments of cosmos.
No, not the couvre-feu,
and not for the service –
the immortal of our maternity –
a symphony with no notes-
unknown to us,
who know nothing of ourselves.
The bronze voices
cast from Siberian nickels,
Italian liras,
shillings of England
fall from the bell tower – the sky,
over my blanket –
translucent but heavy,
into the amphitheater of my bed,
the matrass aches
in vibrations,
the bellringers continue
my roof window
the blizzard
seen between Taurus and Gemini
in metallic brown

*Painting “The Leap” by San Francisco artist Elly Simmons