5 o’clock Brussels
“Tea-time!”, you said?
Rue de la Loi/ Wetstraat,
The major Straße,
Home to the EU Commission,
The Prime Minister and the Parliament,
Is burning with car lights.
After the labour
Are jammed towards
Shopping and homes.
Same phosphor,
Same shining,
Same vehicles
Trapped in the odor of benzene.
What keeps some here alive
Is the wax,
Is the love
Of an imaginary candle,
The Fictitious tea smell
That makes the heart beat
In the mid of this sinfully beauteous
5 o’clock promenAde.
A symphony of claxons and tires
Is not a relief that one acquires
A good long cry.
One can stand everything,
Even this arrestive and useless, but piquant
5 o’clock car time.
One can stand everything
When one is ready for anything,
When one imagines a candle
And has time for tea.